
Welcome to Catch Cait ; planet exploration, conservation, education and self-discovery.

At 27, I had reached our 7 continents, which has left me with dreams to date.

Pushed by the ever present effects of climate change, I quit the corporate world and set off on a bucket-list of our Earth’s Natural Wonders and Wildlife. Diving, mountains, volcanoes, couch-surfing, volunteering, you bet you you’re in for some stories.Β 

Through my photography, book and adventures, I will guide you to see the beauty in the world, the wonder that exists all around you and give you an insight into how you too, can accomplish dreams. Open your eyes to a new way of living in harmony with Mother Earth. Subscribe on Patreon for exciting content on my podcast each week!

You can also see my range of workshop offerings from the home farm in East Cork. My life has drastically changed from global adventurer to grower, beekeeper and educator for all things nature. Hope to catch you in the yard soon πŸ™‚ Thank you to anyone who has supported my social enterprise – where nature comes first. You have helped me in my mission to raise awareness of our beautiful planet as well as conservation of the Native Irish honeybee.

What are you waiting for! Let’s set sail for some adventures πŸ™‚